Tucson High School Class of 1958
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Tucson High School Class of 1958 - Looking Back
Pictures in Gallery: 72
Classmates are going up in their attics, dusting off their scrapbooks and sharing their favorite personal photos from yesteryear. Help document the candid parts of our class past by posting your old personal photos.

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Joey Miller in a hall at THS. This photo must have been taken in February during Rodeo Week--the only time the gals were allowed to wear 'pants' during the school year.
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Views: 3136

Lynn Moon & Edna McKeever dressed in Lynn's great-grandmother's dresses. (Lynn we hope you still have the lovely old outfits!)
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Views: 3048

Cool! Edwina Caballero poses in footgear that was called 'tabbies,' as we remember (correctly or incorrectly?). They were Japanese 'socks' made to slip into a pair of zoories/zories--what today we ...
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Views: 3057

This picture takes the prize! Edna 'Badger' McKeever consorts with arch-enemy Wendy 'Panther' MacMillan at the 1956 THS/Amphi Thanksgiving Day football game. What a treasure!
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