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Tucson High School Class of 1958 - Latest News

09-06-2018 - 60th HOMECOMING!

Shhhhhh.  Can you hear it?  That’s the sound of September whooshing by, at the end of which your Homecoming registration fee goes from $60 a head to $100.  Not that $100 isn’t a really good deal……………but $60 is, like, I mean, sooo much better, don’t you think?  I’m bad at math, but that feels like a 40% discount to me, and at that price, I’d certainly buy that sweater I’ve been eyeing at the mall.  And don’t forget:  if you can’t make it, your registration fee will be refunded.  Also, the group booking rate at the Lodge goes away after October 7th, so if you haven’t reserved a room, now would be a good time.

I’ve also noticed that not many of you who have already registered have as yet downloaded the photo sharing app—I know it’s early days yet, but the sooner you get on the project, the more time you’ll have to round up a random grandchild or neighbor kid to shake his/her head sadly, sigh deeply and do it for you.  There will be help for you in the hospitality suite, but that’s leaving it a little late.  It won’t actually activate until 5pm on November 7th, but you’ll be ready by golly!

And speaking of the hospitality suite, it will be open from three o’clock on Wednesday until after the meet and greet, all day Thursday, and all day Friday after breakfast at Cielos.  If you’re staying at the hotel, you can check your bags with the concierge after you check out, and mosey over to visit with the hardy souls who are still hanging out.  Locals are also encouraged to drag this thing out as long as humanly possible.

Hit “reply” if you need:
   - A registration form (you really need this, trust me)
   - An event schedule
   - Photo app download instructions
   - Hotel information
and I will send you whatever you request.  Except money.  You’re on your own in that department.  I am also unable to water your plants or baby sit your dog.  If you’d like me to snail mail the info, give me your address, and I will snap to it.  I aim to please.  C’mon, let’s go!  You’ll be glad you did, I promise!

There’s a list on the website of classmates who have registered.  If you don’t see who you’re looking for there, call ‘em and nag ‘em until they give up.

Carol Woodman Conniff
Official Nagger-in-Chief
60th Homecoming Central

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