Tucson High School Class of 1958
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Tucson High School Class of 1958 - Latest News

07-16-2018 - 60th HOMECOMING!

Hey!  Heads up, out there!  The registrations for our 60th Homecoming event are dribbling in, but we would prefer a deluge.  It is, after all, monsoon season here (or so they keep telling us), and if we can’t get rain, this will be the next best thing.  Hit “reply” and I’ll get a registration form out right away—via email or snail mail if you give me your address.  Out of towners also need to get their hotel reservations made—go to LodgeOnTheDesert.com, or call them at (520) 254-0640 and use the booking code ths1958, for a smokin’ hot group rate.   If you want information on other nearby hotels, contact us here at Homecoming Central, and we’ll provide it.  We don’t think you’ll get a better deal than the Lodge is giving us, though.

Also, remember that the cost is $60 per person if you register before October 1st, $100 per person after that date.  It’s refundable at any time, if you find you’re unable to attend.  C’mon.  Where else would you get an offer like that?

And we have one more surprise.  Since our (basically nonexistent) budget doesn’t run to a professional photographer, we are going to make you the photographers!  All you need is a smart phone.  We’ll send you the information to download the free photo app, and all the photos taken by any phone with the app during the event (from five pm on November 7 to noon on November 9) will automatically be sent to all other phones with the app.  Videos too!  You’ll be able to save the pictures you want, and the others will magically disappear sometime after noon on Friday when everyone goes home.  Plus, those who can’t attend can also download the app and follow the action from home in real time!  All the photos and videos will be uploaded to our website for those without smart phones.  (Warning:  The app has an on/off button.  So it would be good to remember that before you accidentally share those shower selfies……………..)

So get on your horses, people!  Email me!  Call me!  I’m so very lonely………..

Carol Woodman Conniff
Official Nagger-in-Chief
Cconniff62@gmail.com, or (520) 299-2126

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