08-27-2013 - Hotel Information --- 55th Reunion --- at Westward Look
Bulletin Number 2, sent 06/27/2013
THS Class of 1958 --- 55th Reunion --- in Tucson
October 12, 2013
The 55th reunion will be held at the Westward Look Resort in Tucson on Saturday, October 12, 2013. This will be an 'all-day meet and greet and  visit' with a continental breakfast in the morning and an early buffet  supper served at 4:00 pm.
The price per person has been set at $100. Â This price includes the buffet supper and morning continental breakfast as well as non-alcoholic drinks and snacks throughout the day on Saturday. Â Your firm commitment to attend is important (given our commitment to the hotel) as we will collect the money at the door, not in advance. Â
You are requested to contact Sally Adams (sallya@theriver.com) by mid-August with your RSVP. Â A third bulletin is planned to serve as a reminder.
NOTE: Â On a no-host basis, there will be an informal gathering during the evening of Friday the 1th at the patio and bar for those who arrive early and a farewell brunch in the morning of the 13th for those not leaving until Sunday.
If you are staying at the Westward Look, you must make reservations directly with the hotel and identify yourself as a member of our group to receive the special room rate.