Bartley Cardon (2nd from rt) and his wife, Lynn (center) were cross-country sking in January 2008 with friends Jim and Ilse (left) near their new home in South Portland, ME (AMC guide is on rt)
'Those things on our feet are called snowshoes (modern version. folks don't sweat wood anymore to bend the teardrop shapes for the shoes and then lace them with strips of deer skin hide). The recent strange weather had turned an earlier two foot snow cover to less than a foot with lots of ice. We would have been better served using crampons. But it was a sunny day and we made it safely across the ski trails without being hit by snow boarders and observed from the summit a partial halo about the sun, not to mention the summit of Mt. Washington and the cut for the cog railroad.'
Posted By: Administrator - 01-19-2008 Views: 3188